Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Self Feeding and Facebook

There is something wonderful about the day that you can dump a bunch of food on your child's high chair tray, and they happily feed it to themselves. Now this requires a lot more meal planning, more baths, and fits of frustration when the time comes for you to spoon feed them; however the benefits far out weigh all that! For example, after dumping peaches and a whole wheat waffle on her tray, I made some coffee, played on Facebook, and started this blog! How wonderful! I can't believe how fast this baby is growing up! I love that when I go to get her in the morning, she's standing up in her crib, waiting for me. I love that when I come home from a meeting, she's sitting on the floor laughing and reaching for me. I love that she pulls herself up on the ottoman and cruises from one side to the other. I do sometimes miss that sweet, quiet, perfectly still newborn (usually when she's gabbing and squirming during church). But I love this age, this part in her life. I look forward to little things, like facing forward in the car, holding my hand and walking beside me, holding her own cup (this should be happening soon right?). But I'm trying to do my best to enjoy this moment in time. I know one day, she'll be this crazy teenager, wanting me to drop her off a block away from school. Hopefully in those moments, I'll remember her sitting here, pulling toys out of her box, blowing raspberries for no reason, and turning around to smile at me. (And for the record: I will not drop her off a block away from school. I plan on being super embarrassing.)