Friday, September 17, 2010

One year and counting...

I can't believe how fast time goes. My sweet little baby is a year old. I feel like it was not that long ago when she was just a little blueberry in my stomach, and now she's eating whole blueberries! She used to only be awake for 4 or 5 hours a day, and now she only sleeps 4 or 5 hours a day! It's crazy, but I got to say, I love this age. I like little babies, they are sweet and precious, but I've waited desperately for this day:

Walking and holding hands! I love it. Although, we do have to work on "come with Mommy!" and not just going where we like.

Our little family is doing well. Jeff is back to school and really enjoys it. I'm enjoying working the the Prairie Camp ministry in new and exciting ways. We plan on taking a trip to Florida during Christmas break, which I'm super psyched about because I've never been to Florida! We are currently planning a little kitchen make over weekend project. My poor 70's kitchen has been a work in progress. I finally got a new dishwasher and new floors, and now hope to update the decor a little and add a new island! It's funny what you find exciting when you get old and own a house. My life sounds boring...but I like it.

Blogging is a funny thing, because I'm not really sure who I'm writing this for. But I like to write it. Maybe it's just for me. A scrapbook of sorts. Yes.