Monday, September 17, 2012


I keep seeing this quote all over the internet:

Man. As if Parenting weren't intimidating enough. I'm expected to keep them alive, clean, educated, AND I'm their inner voice? Intense. Well this got me thinking about the things I say all the time to Lucy. Every mom has them. The momisms. I still remember some of my mom's. 

"Nothing good happens after midnight." 

"One day your brother will be bigger than you, and you'll be sorry." 

I know, gold. I bet my mom is so proud these are the things I remember her saying most. 

Here are things I feel like I say over and over. Some of them I hope Lucy will remember forever...some of them...not so much...

"If you need to throw a fit, you have to go sit on the naughty spot"

"It's ok to be upset, but you don't need to freak out."

"It's ok that it's broken! Now you have TWO!"

"You have to eat something healthy BEFORE you can have candy"

"No one MAKES you cry, you DECIDE to cry."

"Don't listen to anything Joe says, he's an idiot."

"Yeah, I'll come watch Dora/Blues Clues/Diego with you, let me just grab my coffee/ computer/ phone/ book first."

"I don't know."

"I don't want your foot on my ear."

Good luck're gonna have one crazy inner voice. I expect lots of tattoos and drummer boyfriends.