Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Carrie is Chuck Norris

I'd like to tell you a story.
Weave you a tale.
Of an ordinary women, 
who just cannot fail...

One evening, in the wet, gritty city, a gang of youths gather in the middle of road outside a small neighborhood church after a rousing service. Laughing and talking soon escalate into West Side Story style dance fighting. 
"She's the love of my life!" One youth shouts to another
"But I saw her first you scum!" 
As fists fly and youths circle up, out walks the heroine of our story.
Carrie Badertscher.
She strides calmly but determined towards the fight, removing her earrings as she walks. Without flinching she steps into the center of the fight circle.
"Gentleman, you need to calm down" She says with kindness but a look in her eye that says she means business.
These particular youths must not have seen that look in her eye, because they continued their fight and a stray punch landed on Carrie's body with a definite "thud". 
With one quick and controlled swing of her arm the youths where on the ground, her TOMs clad food atop one's chest. 
"I said, calm. down." 
The collective breath the crowd had been holding was let go in an audible "oooooooooohhh"
Carrie straightened her cardigan and replaced her small hoop earrings. 
"Now gentleman, I'd like you to follow me to my office. I have some lemonade and candy there and I'd like you to tell me why you felt the need to fight over the affections of this young women"
The youths followed, with embarrassment and regret on their faces. They knew they had disappointed this kind women, and that consequence was enough to make them rethink their poor life choices. One day these youths would grow to men, one a pediatrician and one the President of the United States and they'd owe it all to that one night, and one women.
Carrie Badertscher.

*Full disclose. I did not witness the actual events this story was based on so some facts may wildly exaggerated borderline untrue"