Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Colossians 3:12-17

I've worked in different areas of ministry for most of my adult life. Which means I've worked with different people in ministry, and have come across some difficult ones. Because people in ministry are just people, and people are difficult. I've come to this verse so many times dealing with fellow Christians, to remind my self to be gracious and kind and love one another. It's a beautiful reminder of how God wants us to live with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

But what if, mom, what if we read this passage as a "how to" deal with our own children? How to view our role as moms (or Dad's, we're all on the same team)?

"Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves (parents), you must clothe yourselves with tender hearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. (and maybe yoga pants). Make allowance for each other's (your kids') faults, and forgive anyone who offends you (throws their vegetable at you at dinner). Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others (remember, you've acted like a spoiled brat to your heavenly father). Above all, clothe yourselves with LOVE, which binds us all together in perfect harmony. And let the PEACE that comes from Christ, in all it's richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom HE gives. SING psalms and hymns and spiritual songs (and that CD the Children's Director gave you, and maybe sometimes Megan Trainor's "I'm better when I'm dancing" at full blast) to God with thankful hearts. And whatever you do or say (or however you decide to punish), do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus giving thanks through him to God the father."

I'm not saying we become crazy 'free range' parents who don't offer limits and consequences and discipline. But what if in that, what if in the moments of, lets be real honest, total anger when our 6 year old gives you that sassy face and WHY CAN'T SHE BE MORE LIKE STELLA WHO IS SO SWEET TO GROWNUPS. What if in those moments we I  chose tender hearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. What if we stopped worrying about whether we where teaching our kid every character trait the need and took a moment to heap love and grace on them. What if we let a few sassy eye rolls slide, a few grunts, a few moments of childhood frustration go unpunished a few times, in exchange for a supernatural love and mercy. Maybe if we realized that we I  probably look just like this sassy 6 year old to my heavenly father sometimes. And he lets the eye rolls go unpunished because he loves us so much. Because he's teaching and guiding someone who doesn't know. Who doesn't have the capacity to understand all he does. So sometimes, he skips time outs to give an extra heap of gentleness and patience. He's a good dad. I think I'd like to be more like him.

But seriously guys, this girls sass is going to kill me....

tender hearted mercy...kindness...humility...gentleness and PATIENCE.

I'm praying it for you all myself today. And that we feel a hint of that PEACE that comes from Christ, in all it's richness, filling up our homes.