Friday, March 15, 2013

Isn't He good?

In my last post, I told you how I was using Dawson's Creek as a mind numbing tool. I found this extremely effective. But alas, eventually I always get really sick of Dawson's whining, and Joey's unwillingness to admit that Pacey is way better than all those other losers. And so, it's back to the real world for me.

The truth is, even though God and I have had many a conversations over the past two weeks, I have avoided opening the Word. I'm not really sure why. Maybe I was afraid of what I'd find. That the words I would find would be less then comforting. Maybe I just was tired of being sad. So it was easier to turn everything off, then to face it.

So I stumbled around for a while. Not sure what to read, or where to go. Just knowing that I needed to be in the Word somewhere.

And then I found Psalms 116. Which starts out with this:

"I love the Lord, because he hears my voice"

Man, you are good God. I kept reading to find this loving reminder from my Great Big God:

"The Lord cares deeply when his loved ones die."

Thanks God. For not trying to flood me with theology about why this happened. For not trying to make me understand some great plan for this heartache. But for just reminding me that you care. That you hear me, and you care. You are good. Seriously. I'm glad it's you I'm following, all these other fools have nothing on you.

So my friends, I am doing well. And I've moved from Dawson's Creek to Fringe. Which is way more like real life.

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