Monday, April 25, 2011

You can either worry about it, or post the pictures of it on Facebook.

I've decided this is my new life philosophy.

Example: Running out the door, late to something, and as you're frantically brushing your teeth, you hear the oh too familiar sound of something dumping all over your floor. You run to the kitchen to find this:

Yes that's right. An entire box of cheerios....all over the floor. The dog hair infested floor you can't remember the last time you swept, let alone mopped. And she's eating them. A lot of them.

Now, my husband and I are well suited for each other. Because it is my natural instinct to laugh about it, sit on the floor and stick cheerios between our toes, and then post pictures on Facebook. It is my husband's natural instinct to discipline, clean it up, and get to wherever we where going on time. I think somewhere in the middle is the perfect parent. But this time, I won. (I often do.)

As a parent, as a person, there are so many things that go wrong. SO MANY! So many things change, and people mess stuff up, and things break and it rains, and at that moment, when things are so off track, I believe you have two choices:

You can either worry about it, or post the pictures of it on Facebook.

Ok, fine, there are probably more choices than that. But you get the point. You can worry about it, or laugh about it.

When you are in the dressing room, desperately trying to find a dress that doesn't make you look like you've lived off a steady diet of Starbucks and cake for the last 5 years (when that is EXACTLY what you've done.) And you are having NO luck, you can either throw yourself on the floor of the dressing room, surrounded by "XXL" hangers and scream made up swear words. (DANIMALS YOGURT!). OR...You can send this picture to your BFF saying

"Dress shopping...found a winner"

So be prepared Facebook friends. I've decided to share my failures and fat rolls with the world.


  1. I love it!! This might become my new motto!

  2. I don't know what's more funny: Your Face or the fact that Lucy is pulling her shirt up!
