Friday, September 27, 2013

He or She? I can't wait to see!

Tomorrow is the big day!

Somehow I've made it a whole week knowing that someone else knows the gender of my baby, but I don't. It has NOT been easy! How do people do this the whole 9 months? I'll never know.

Well tomorrow my dear friend Carrie is coming over to reveal the surprise. Some friends and family are coming by for cupcakes and to share the news. Since I couldn't invite everyone I know to my home (because maybe I don't like you, and maybe my house is tiny), I thought I'd give y'all a chance to join in the fun!

Submit your guesses below for gender, and send us some suggestions for names! Jeff has decided he wants to create a "March Madness" type bracket of baby names and see which one wins. (Disclaimer: we may not actually name our baby this, but I've decided it will be it's "code name" until we reveal the real name at birth)

Here's some Old Wives tales to help you in your guessing:

Morning Sickness? GIRL
I STILL randomly gag at things, and spent many a morning throwing up in the shower. BUT I wasn't sick like this at all with

Carrying high or Low? BOY
I feel like I'm carrying lower than I remember BUT it may just be that leftover (and always been there) chub on my "pooch" so...I don't really know.

Heart Rate: GIRL
Early on in pregnancy it was about 160, now it's been between 140-150. Which is in the "girl" range, but still lower than Lucy's.

Cravings, sweet or salty: GIRL
All I want is sugar. But let's be honest, all I ever want is sugar...

Side you sleep on: BOY
I always sleep on my left side, but more so I don't have to smell Neako's breath when he's laying next to me.

Balance: BOY
I'm all sorts of clumsy, and forgetful, and crazy. Whatever this kid is, I'm sure it will be a feisty one!

Ok now...GUESS!

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