Sunday, July 21, 2013

So one time I passed out...

I'm a terrible blood giver. My veins are hard to find (for someone my size a nurse once said...what the what lady?! What's that supposed to mean?!) and once you do, they apparently roll and slip away.

Its one of the reasons I've decided not to do drugs. Way to much work.

And then there are times when I do give blood and apparently I'm a fragile women and I tend to faint. Well...pass out. Fainting sounds much more delicate than what I do.

Wellllll....this one time...yesterday...I was at the doctor, doing great, the nice nurse even found and poked my vein so fast! And then I said "Woah. I'm feeling a little dizzy" and she said "Just breath." And then I calmly informed her I was going to pass out.

The next thing I remember was waking up to one nurse aggressively fanning me with a piece of cardboard while the other force fed me a juice box.

Let me just say, if you are ever feeling like a tough, independent women, who can accomplish anything, just pass out in a public place and you'll get knocked right back down to earth.

Oh, did I mention this was my OB? And I was getting a glucose test?

Oh, and I'm pregnant. :)

You may remember that I went through a miscarriage just a few months ago. Which was terrible and painful and one of the hardest things I've ever dealt with. But I believe God is great, and big, and has a plan I don't understand. And so when the doctor gave us the go ahead to try again, we did. And we where quickly blessed with another little being growing inside of me.

I am currently 11 weeks along, and everything is looking good! I got an ultrasound at 7.5 weeks (which is when the last babe stopped growing) and I got to see a tiny weird blob with a beautiful little beating heart.

Before I passed out yesterday, I got to hear the heartbeat again. And Thursday, I get another ultrasound. 

Every time I need a nap at 3pm, or can't decide if I should throw up or eat pancakes, or I wake up and promptly puke up my guts, I feel blessed. I will be glad to be done with the 1st Trimester Ick, but I am glad to have it. I would take it a million times over compared to the alternative. 

Prayers would be greatly appreciated, even though I am continually reminded that "The Odds are in my favor" this time (Hunger Games is on netflix...), there is still moments of worry and doubt. 

Also, starting Thursday I am beginning my week at Prairie Camp's Teen Camp, which is physically straining for the most fit, let alone someone who literally has a life sucking being growing inside them. So prayers for super human strength would be awesome.

Thank you friends for prayers and support and reading my story of losing all my dignity at the doctor's office this week. Be prepared for lots of updates, and over sharing. 

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