Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Embracing the Pacing.

This random, nonsensical post is dedicated to Rachel Jones. My friend, dedicated reader, and fellow slacker blogger. (I'm waiting on exciting updates Rach...make it happen)

Today I met my friend Christy at Main Street Coffee House in Nappanee, IN.

Confession: I often wish I lived closer to the hustle and bustle of South Bend/Mishawaka. Because there is so much more to do out there, and so many people I heart live out there.
(Really, despite the upbeat tone of this post, I spent most of the day wishing Carrie still lived down the road from me, and was with me on this little adventure.) 
However, today I was loving this little Amish, "embrace the pace" corner of the world.

I love that Lucy can meander around while I order a coffee. I like that there are bible story books in baskets by the big couches and fireplace to entertain Lucy while I sit and chat.  I like that we crossed the street with an Amish mom and her kids, and we both said "Ok!"to our kids, in the same happy, motherly voice when the light turned green.  I loved walking around the antique store with Lucy saying "Ooohhh! So pretty!".  I like that everyone smiles and waves at you, that there is actually a corner cafe where old people meet for breakfast.

Then we drove to Wakarusa. Which I also love. So much.

I love that we can play at the park, while moms meet other moms, and people sit and eat their lunch. I love that moms are actually playing with their kids, or talking with other moms, and not playing on their phones. (except me...who is obsessively taking pictures)

I love that as I loaded Lucy in the car, I saw my favorite Wakarusa resident, Jon Andrews playing with his kids at the park. 

 After the park, we went to the new Grandma's Pantry store. Which was AWESOME. It's like a mini Shipshewana, and I loved it. Lucy and I stocked up on dinner supplies and cherry salsa. We drove home with the sunroof open and the tunes blaring, just in time for lunch and nap time.

Nap time was a bit of a fight today. What age do kids stop taking naps? I hope it's 13. Because nap time is my favorite. 

We fired up the grill and made grilled chicken sandwiches, with melted swiss and mozzarella cheese on a pretzel bun. Roasted red potatoes, spinach salad, and corn made this a rather satisfying meal. (Compared to the chicken nuggets and french fries I've been living on most of the week...don't judge).

All in all, it's been a great day in our little corner of the world. The sun is shining, the trees are budding,  and I've got a magnificent pot of coffee brewing and some bananas ripe for banana bread. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh Nappanee. You make it look so quaint and lovely and not entirely dull :) I spent 75% of my weekends in that coffee shop. This post actually made me miss it a little bit.

    Also, Lucy looks like the cutest little hipster in that knitted hat and hoodie. I like it a lot.
