Thursday, March 29, 2012

Lucy is a hipster vegan.

I'm a total hippie when it comes to raising my kids. I have a "find your true self" ideal about my parenting.  I give Lucy a lot of freedom when it comes to choosing things she likes, even dressing herself. I even let her pick some clothes out when we went shopping the other day. The only thing she really cared to pick out was a giant pink tulle skirt (got it.) and overpriced Dora pajamas (did not get it). It's been fun to see what kind of kid emerges.

My kid is a total hipster. She loves birds and owls on everything, The Avett Brothers, She and Him and wearing thick rimmed glasses.

Seriously, this was all her. From the owl shirt to the glasses and hat. 

Ok, Ok, so I probably influenced this a LITTLE.  I'm the one constantly playing Avett Brother's, and I did totally buy that hat. But she is definitely learning what she likes and doesn't. I try to play a bit of pop and hip hop, you know, to give her musical diet balance. Won't have it. You'd think I was trying to feed her battery acid or something. She does sing along to "Lover like You". And Fleet Foxes "Helplessness Blues" is quote "My favorite song!".  Don't worry, she also knows Twinkle Star, ABC's, and the Winnie the Pooh theme song.

What has totally caught me by surprise, is her apparent vegetarianism. She's definitely not a vegan, because she'll consume abnormally large amounts of cheese if you let her. But she does NOT like meat. In fact, (don't judge) the only meat I can get her to eat is chicken nuggets. I try to be conscious of the nuggets I buy, organic baked nuggets are my ideal, but she has consumed her fair share of Micky D's.

I let her pick her food most of the day, giving her acceptable options and letting her pick. We eat a lot of Cocoa Wheats (which are probably terrible, but have a fair amount of protein and not a ton of sugar). And cheese, in all forms, cheese sandwich, cheese on a tortilla , straight shredded cheese. But for dinner, I make her sit with us at the table, and give her a sampling of lots of different foods we are eating. I know some things are pointless, but I put them on her plate anyway.

Last night I look over, and the girl is mixing her corn in her shredded cheese, and eating it with a spinach leaf. Oh my little vegetarian hipster.

Also, despite the love of pink tutus, and the desperate desire to wear my make up, she's a definite tom boy in the making. Her new favorite thing? Spider Man. I don't even know how it happened. She just saw him around, and decided he was the coolest thing. She wants to watch the Spider Man movie, but settles for the old cartoons, but only when I'm watching too. They get a little scary, creepy even, but she will NOT let me turn them off. "No!! Spider Man coming!!" "RUN SPIDER MAN!" "HAHAHA! A big Big BIG IGUANA!" She seems to be handling it well, and we don't watch them often. She's fearless really, and will be just fine, it's more me afraid I'll be flogged by other moms for letting my two year old girl watch Spider Man.

I'm loving this part of being a mom, getting to know my kid. So much of the first few years are spent in survival mode, just trying to make sure everyone is fed and not covered in poop by the end of the day. Its been lovely just hanging out with her, having crazy conversations (today she decided that Santa is at school with presents...she'll be so disappointed one day). It makes me think twice about bringing more babies in the mix. Until I catch her talking to herself. Then I know, she needs a friend.

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