Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Blessing of Boring

I feel like I have been so blessed in my life to have the opportunity to see people around me suffer.

Yup. I know. That's sounds crazy bad. I have a lot of random thoughts tumbling around. I'll explain.

Somehow, God has blessed me with a fairly easy life. Almost everything I've planned has happened, exactly the way I planned it. One of the biggest things was Lucy. I had a very specific time table of when I wanted to be pregnant, and give birth, so I could work at camp all summer, but also work as much as I could at school. I knew I was pregnant right away, and calculated my due date at August 20th. The doctors told me August 13th, but I knew I was right. And I was, and Lucy was right on time.
Now, she has had some trouble, she was a frog baby for a long time

For the first few months of life she lived  in that crazy harness. I'm sure it's why she's crazy flexible now. But, once you got used to cuddling a frog, it wasn't bad, and it didn't last long. And she wasn't in pain, and it's not something she'll probably have to worry about later in life.

All that to say, my life has been pretty chill. But people around me, close to me, have gone through some of the hardest things in this life. I consider this all a great blessing. Not only because God has seriously sheltered my life from terribly traumatic events (so far at least), but because he has shown me that things do happen. And he's shown me close enough to my own life, that it makes my heart break for these things, and makes me so thankful for the blessing of boring in my own life.

I've been thinking of this so much since Tuesday night.

Lucy fell off the couch. Every kid does this right? Climbs all over the couch like a monkey? Well, she lost her balance when she was sitting on the arm, and fell maybe 2 feet. Almost immediately I knew something was wrong. It was more than just a bumped head kind of cry. When she started to complain about her shoulder hurting, I knew we needed to go to the doctor NOW. As is always the way with kids, she got hurt right after our normal doctor's closing time. So it was either the ER, or MedPoint. We decided to drive a little farther to the MedPoint on Main in Granger, because we had been there before, and knew it was a little cheaper than the ER. After about 2 hours, we were on our way home with a 2 year old with a fractured collarbone, and new "little purse" (arm sling) and a shirt full of stickers.

 I felt a little frazzled on the way to the doctor, and the X-Rays were something I would like to never repeat. BUT it really was no big deal.

Even when she was in pain, I was never worried that she wouldn't make it. She could breath normally the whole time, and that in itself is a blessing many people don't get.

When I got to the doctor, no one questioned if she was my child. I didn't have to bring her birth certificate or SS Card to prove that she was a Kreider. I knew I could walk into MedPoint, with my hurt baby, my fairly decent health insurance card, and they would get us right in, and take care of us. This is a blessing a lot of people take for granted. Not me. Never again.

I'm thankful that God has blessed me with boring. Even my "crazy" is mild, and easy compared to some people's "normal".  I hope I can spread my boring blessing around a little bit. That because I've been blessed with "boring" and easy, I can easily support others that God has called into the trenches. And when my crazy comes, as I know, and kinda hope it will, I will be prepared because I've had a lot of "boring" time to prepare.

Random Thought: I wonder if some people who THINK their life is "crazy" just need to be around a something a little crazier, so they see how easy their life really is?

How about you? How would you classify your life? Boring? Crazy? Super-Ultimate-Too-Crazy-For-Real-Life?


  1. love this post. I often think about people who complain about having "boring" lives, and think-isn't that kind of a blessing? i don't know, everyone is different.
    I would currently classify my life as crazy-busy. I'm a frazzled mama without breaks and sometimes i think i have permanent mom-brain. ha-ha!

    love your blogs!

  2. Oh Mom Brain...does it every REALLY go away? There should be some sort of medication for it. Maybe there is, maybe it's sleep and pedicures!
