Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Failures List

I really like lists. Maybe it's my "thing". Maybe I'm a lazy writer. Anyway, here's another list for you:

1. Right now, while I'm spending time doing this, my 2 year old is in her room alone, playing with scissors. (Don't freak out TOO much, they are safety scissors...)

2. My kitchen:

3. I'm teaching Lucy to read:

4.  Here is a list of what Lucy will eat. (A list within a list!? I'm good.)
1. Chicken Nuggets
2. Cheese quesadillas
3. Couscous
4. Butter and Cheese Sandwich
5. Peanut Butter sandwich (if she's distracted, and it's in a heart shape)
6. Corn
7. Baby Carrots
8. Lettuce
9. Fruit Snacks
10. Popsicles

5. It's been almost a week since Lucy's last bath. 

6. Lucy tells me when she's peeing and pooping, and enjoys sitting on the potty, but is still not potty trained.

7. Dora taught my child how to count.

8. We didn't go outside all day yesterday, even though the sun was shining and it was fairly warm. In fact, I didn't even shower til 5 o'clock. 

9.  This kid has a serious attitude problem, and I'm not real sure what to do about it most of the time, so I laugh...and take pictures.

10. Lucy's learned to open doors, so I'm seriously considering getting a lock on her bedroom door, so I can lock it from the outside. 

11. I fall for every bedtime trick in the book "I need water! My tummy hurts! I want to talk to Jesus!" (she seriously uses that as an excuse to stay up)

12. Lucy often eats in from of the TV. Sometimes with her pillow and blanket from her bed, just because she wants too. 

13.  Did I mention my kitchen? 

14. How about the bathroom? The bathroom is pretty bad too.

15. Oh yeah, the donkey thing. 

So for Palm Sunday, I taught Lucy's Sunday School class. So we talked a lot about Jesus coming, and riding in on the donkey, and waving our Palm Branches. Later that day, in the car, I was trying to explain that we can talk to Jesus, and that he can always hear us, even though we can't see's complicated. Somehow, she decided that Jesus and his Donkey always travel together, so now when she prays, it's not just talking to Jesus, it's talking to his Donkey. And offering him bites of her palm branch. 

After so many years working at Prairie Camp, I somehow am failing to explain this whole Jesus thing to my own kid. She's getting the basic idea though. We talk to Jesus each night, say thank you for things, she likes to sing him songs. She knows that Jesus loves her, and he can always hear her. That's enough for now. I'm not looking forward to the day I have to tell her Jesus doesn't still have his donkey. It may be worse than the "there's no Santa" talk. 

1 comment:

  1. I think this entry is mis-named. I don't think these are failures...these are "life"! And I love them. I just want to hang out with you. Every day.
