Wednesday, April 4, 2012

All the good guys drive old people cars, and other over generalized dating advice you should definitely take.

I am fortunate enough to know a lot of really great guys. I really enjoy when the stop by, even if it's just to raid the fridge and waste time until they go on to more exciting things. The other day I looked out the window and noticed the abundance of Grandma cars.  I decided in that moment that a man's car choice directly relates to his goodness.  Because some of the greatest men I know, drive or have driven some of the crappiest cars. Trucks with windows that don't roll down, cars with trash bags to keep the rain out, Jeeps that die if you drive over bumps to fast (that one was my Dad. He's awesome).

So if you are looking for a good man, here's some solid, researched, amazing advice.

1. Don't date men who play ONLY guitar, bass or drums.  A good man can play more than one instrument.

2. Judge a man by his shoes. This will vary based on what you are looking for, but you can tell a lot about a man from his footwear. Beware men with more shoes than you.

Can anyone name these feet? If you can, you get one million nerd points. 

3.  Don't date men with best friends who are girls that are better looking than you. This never ends well.

4.  Beware falling in love with your best friend's older brother. It will happen, always, just beware. 

{I was going to post a picture of my best friend from high school's older brother that I was madly in love with, but thought that was a little too weird...a lot too weird...but you guys know that guy, we all knew that guy.}

5. Never date a man who is rude to a waitress. (This one is for real. You can learn a lot about someone based on how they treat people who serve them in any way.)

6.  If everyone in your life thinks your boyfriend's a donkey, he probably is. If everyone is "just trying to keep you apart", they probably have a good reason. Like he's a blood sucking vampire, and no matter how much he sparkles, you could do better. 

7.  When looking for a romantic hero, a man to compare all men to, read The Hunger Games, not Twilight. Or better yet, the Bible, yeah, let's just read that. 

8. Ask these three questions on the first date, if the answers are unsatisfactory, leave immediately.

9. If you can't decide if he's a good guy, or just totally faking it, spend some time with the elderly and the very young. They can see through anything, and are the best judge of character. 

10. If you want a really great guy, please fill out an application and send it to me at

You're welcome single ladies.

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