Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Bathroom Remodel: Part One.

Moving Back Home

As we readied our house to put on the market, we knew we had to do SOMETHING about our only full bathroom.

It's a pretty small bathroom to begin with, so every little thing matters. Like the giant vanity with terrible old countertop. The too loose shower surround, the nasty flaky walls. Anyway, it was bad. And in this terrible market, I knew something must be done to help the house sell. So we called up our friend Chuck at Renovation Creations and he came over a few days later to start a complete bathroom redo. Now, the incredibly unfortunate thing about fixing your only full bath, is that you are without a bathroom for a while. And if you've ever had a small child with you while someone is trying to fix something, well you know, we had to get out of the house for a few days. So Lucy and I moved in with my parents, while Jeff stayed at the house at night and showered at his dad's.

What could have been an incredibly stressful time, was like a mini vacation for us! My family were great hosts. It was nice to get texts from my dad like "Got donuts. Please eat them"

Well OK! 

Lucy and I slept in the same bed, which was a litte strange, especially since she likes to be touching you ALL THE TIME. It was fun to wake up in the morning and see her say "Good Morning Mama! Sun's awake!" But I was glad to get my own bed back. In the morning we'd shuffle upstairs, I'd make some coffee and get Lucy to eat something, and then sit down at the kitchen table.

This pretty much sums up everything I love about my parents. All my life I've woken up to my mom being awake already, sitting at the kitchen table, reading her bible. I've talked about it before, how I want to be that mom, and am still working on it. And then, of corse, there is my dad. Who still reads the comics and randomly strums his ukelele. (My dad sits at the kitchen table and reads his bible too, don't worry). The older I get, the more I realize what amazing people and parents these guys are. I so enjoyed spending all this time with them. 

Although, the more time I spent there, the more I remembered that Brent had moved far away. There are so many things at that house that remind me of him. From all the Minnesota paraphernalia that my parents have collected:

wish I was sharing this cup with you brother!

To the childish cereals that were left behind from the last time he visited:

You'll have to go shopping the next time you come, Lucy and I dominated these boxes.

I miss him lots, and am really looking forward to the week or so in the summer he'll be here. 

I'm so blessed to have two sets of Grandparents that not only adore Lucy, but that she adores. Every day she asks to go to "Grandpa's" and when I pick her up, she never wants to leave. I usually have to bribe her with something to get her in the car with me. Sometimes, it makes me a little sad, but I quickly realize what an amazing blessing it is. She loves Grandpas house because as my dad says "There's no naughty spot at Grandpas!" 

A great time was had by all, and I was very thankful to have a place to shower and watch cable TV all day. (HGTV...all day...I am now a DIY expert)

Coming soon: Before and after pictures! WAHOO!

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