Thursday, December 13, 2012

Christmas Fun

I love shopping. Especially for presents. But I really hate when a million other people are doing the same thing. Which is why I'm very thankful to be in the Goshen area this year. I love that there are all the basic stores I want (Starbucks...Target....) plus at least a dozen thrift stores within a 5 mile radius of my house. Lucy and I have been having a great time Christmas shopping.

First comes Jeff's birthday, on the 7th. So Lucy and I had a shopping date to find him some treasures at the thrift store.

I asked her what he'd like, and she kept saying he needed a new bicycle, because his had a flat tire. After I explained to her that 1.) We can't afford a new bicycle, they are expensive and 2.) Daddy never rides his bike anyway; she decided to get him a board game. To play with "the boys" when they come over.

But first, lunch at the side door deli. Yum.

She was very proud that she picked the present herself, and even helped wrap it!
And then Lucy and I had a date one night to look for some more presents for our family.

I showed her this sweater for Uncle Brent. She said "No! Mom! That's weird!!!....I'm sorry I said weird"
 (we are working on "not nice" words)

 After some more thrift store hunting, and picking out wrapping paper at hobby lobby (polka dot...of corse) we, again, went out for some food. Except this time, she really wanted to go to the "Hot Chocolate Store" and sit down and have hot chocolate (She means a coffee house...she's so mine.)
So we went to Panera and she had hot chocolate and a bagel for dinner.

"Mom! Quit taking pictures of me! Give me your phone."

"There, now I took a picture of you." puts phone away
I seriously enjoy the time I spend with her. Now, let's be honest, I suck at discipline so she's naughty. She throws fits, she thinks she gets everything she wants, and it's impossible to walk through a store without saying "LUCY ANNE! Don't touch that!". But she cracks me up. She's kind to people. She says "Thank you!" to the people who hold open the door for us, she holds long strange conversations with strangers who say hello to her, and she will not let you ignore her if she says "Hi". "MOM! WHY'S THAT LADY NOT SAYING HI BACK?! HIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIH!"At Panera she kept doing goofy things and I'd say "Lucy! You're crazy!" and she'd giggle and say "I AM funny!" 

Last night, Jeff and I took her out to Mishawaka to do some more Christmas shopping. We went to Old Navy to look for a new dress for her, and for the first time, I picked out a bunch of dresses and took her in the changing room to try them on. Oh. My. Gosh. I wish I had taken a video of it. She loved it. She picked out the dresses she liked, toddled off to the room, and proceeded to twirl and dance in each dress to show her daddy. After we tried them all on I said "Now we have to pick which ones we buy" and she looked at all of them hanging up, and said "How about we buy allllll of these" and pointed at all the dresses. We are in big trouble.

She ended up deciding on a gray dress with pink stars that she picked out all by herself. She will wear it for church Sunday when the little kids sing "Away in a Manger" in front of the church (I am so excited for this.) 

We took her to Krispy Kreme at 9 o'clock at night, because we had some free coupons and we never go out that way. She was so excited to get a snow man donut, and thought it was hilarious that she wore a "Jacob Hat" (poor Jacob...she knows you by your silly paper hat.)

I've come to the conclusion that sometimes being a "bad mom" makes you a really good one. Sometimes forgetting the rules of bedtimes...and healthy eating :)...can make some great memories with your family. But I could be totally wrong. She may grow up to be Honey Boo-Boo. 


  1. You are totally right, Amber ;) Enjoy--you are a great mom! And we totally need to go thrifty shopping together sometime!

  2. I love this! These stories remind me of Luna so much and me being terrible at disciplining her.
