Tuesday, December 18, 2012

How Super Nanny Potty Trained My Kid

Potty Training. I know right. If your not a mom, you really don't get how amazing it is to teach another human being not to crap their pants.

It seems so easy. Natural. No one likes to sit in their own feces. Right? Wrong. Lucy was the happiest with poop in her pants. She played so nice and quiet all by herself when she was "dropping the kids off at the pool" and was in no hurry to get cleaned up.

So potty training has not been easy. She actually likes sitting on the potty, has for a long time, she just never seemed to understand the feeling you get before you pee. Or at least, she didn't care enough to pay attention to it.

That is, until we watched Super Nanny.

First of all, any given episode of Super Nanny will either make you feel like Super Mom, or you will start filming your own submission tape. Well the episode we watched had a 3 1/2 year old boy who 1.) refused to go potty and 2.) was a terribly picky eater.

Dear Super Nanny.....

So I decided to take this opportunity to make Lucy watch it with me, and talk about what the little boy did that was "naughty".

She got really into it, and so we decided the next day when she woke up, we would be all done with diapers, and wear Big Girl Panties.

Confession: I was not very motivated to follow through. But Lucy remembered.

So this morning we took off her diaper from the night before and put on panties.

And then she went to the potty. And decided she didn't want her "Dora Seat" (the kid sized seat we have to put on the toilet). And would just hold herself up on the seat.

And then she fell in the potty.

And I didn't even laugh out loud! Or freak out because she was in the dirty potty! I calmly cleaned her up and put her Dora Seat back on and then she


Awesome. But not totally new. She's peed occasionally  Usually a coincidence  If you make your kid sit on the potty all day, she'll eventually pee in it.

She sat on it a lot more all day, like every 10 minutes. Totally her own choice. I wondered how long this would last, and was glad she didn't need me to help her each time.

And then.


We where sitting on the couch together. Lucy, me and Dora. Watching some TV. And Lucy turns to me and says "Hey mom, will you hold Dora for a few minutes while I go pee?"

"Sure kid."

"Thanks." toddles off to the bathroom, sits on the potty.

And then I hear the most beautiful sound.

tinkle. tinkle tinkle.


And she did. She peed all by herself, she felt it coming and she did it.


This only just happened today, so I may be celebrating and blogging prematurely. But I swear to you the moment I hear the sweet sound of:

"Plop. Plop Plop."

I will be tweeting it. And instagraming a hipster filtered photo of the contents of that big potty. And posting it on facebook and tagging my husband in it.

EDIT: I just got peed on. Sigh. 

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