Monday, January 30, 2012

I have a plan, Stan.

I've really enjoyed blogging for the past year or so, and in an effort to do it more consistently, I've decided  to have themed days! Contain your excitement, they will be rather simple probably. But here they are:

What's for Dinner Mondays

Part of my goal for this is to laugh at how the food I cook looks so unlike this:
This is a Flax Seed crust pizza. It's probably so good, and healthy...but you can't pick it up on your way home for $5 so....
Really I just want to force myself to actually cook something presentable at least one night a week. And yes, I will have one for you later tonight! Here's a little sneak peak:

Want it Wednesdays

I got this general idea from a blog that does "Fawned Fridays".  Basically it will be a list of things I want, or that are generally awesome.  This should be so easy, because I want everything.

DIY Friday

I don't do a lot of DIY stuff, but some. And I'm addicted to Pinterest, so this may just be an outlet for that. :)

I'm sure I'll have other random posts too. When I'm feeling especially clever, or when Lucy is especially cute. But this will be a fun way to stay consistant. Anyone else want to join me? Let's be blogging buddies.

Ok, see you later tonight!

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