Thursday, January 26, 2012

What? You wanted an overly detailed account of my life? Here ya go.

This is my life:

She's singing the itsy bitsy spider. She get's really stuck on the "washed the spider out" part. It's like a CD skipping. 

And then I got an iPhone for Christmas. So my life is filled with this kind of stuff:

(I saw this all over pinterest and couldn't wait to try it.)

Sometimes my life is a little more exciting and I get to watch these guys try and act serious for an hour or so.

It usually doesn't go well for them. Check out the outtakes from the last set of videos they made. 

 And after spending all day away, Lucy comes home from the Grandparents, napless like this:
 Sad Face. And that's my mocking sad face. I look...not pretty. But I think it's funny. So I'm posting it.

Don't worry, I can usually get her to laugh after a while:

And then I put her to bed, and have a little gym time. It's nice to work out, feel the burn and such. But mostly, it's just so I can say I went, make fun of the one skinny girl at my gym, and play with all the weight equipment. (How do you do this guy?!)

But every time I leave the gym, I'm starving. Good thing Martins is so close by. 
Quit judging me. I only ate a few of the cheetos. I would eat the ice cream, but I'm sitting down now, and my legs actually are killing me. I must have done something besides goof off and laugh. Maybe I'll have it for breakfast.

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