Friday, February 3, 2012

DIY Friday: Play Makeup

I remember having tons of play makeup as a kid, and it wasn't like, really cheap super sparkly actual makeup, it was just plastic that looked like makeup. You had to use your imagination dang it! Well I've looked ALL over for this, and just can't find it. And then I found this amazing tutorial on Pinterest to make your own play makeup! Pinterest saves the day AGAIN!

So I set to work DIYing the crap out of this.

First you take an old makeup container:
This was super easy for me because,
one: I hardly ever wear make up, and apparently makeup expires, so that eye shadow I bought for my no good anymore.
and two: My mother in law sells "Jafra" stuff. And gives me TONS of makeup all the time. Big compacts like this one. There's usually a few colors in it that I'll use, but a lot of time the sparkly blush just goes to waste anyway. (I actually really like most of the stuff she gives me, I haven't bought eye shadow since...well my wedding probably, but I definitely have extras)

If you haven't used all the makeup (Does anyone actually do this?) You'll have to dig it out before you can wash it. 

I just used a knife and then knocked it in the trash. Classy.

Then wash that sucker out with soap and water. 

Next: Pull out all those nail polishes you never use. You know, that weird color you thought was awesome, and wasn't? Those guys.

And then dump them in. 
Now, this is the part where you might want to take your time, and read the real tutorial. I'm not real patient, so mine are no where near perfect. You could pick colors that look like actual makeup you'd wear. But my kid is two, so I just used the junk I had laying around:

If you read the tutorial, she tells you to pour slowly, and something about shaking the bottle, then waiting so you don't get the mixing balls falling in.
"Mixing balls?" I thought "Lady, you crazy"

I found the mixing balls.

You then put it somewhere to dry for a day, or three. It hardens well after a day, but still stinks a bit. I waited three and then got these guys!: 

(This was my wedding eyeshadow compact. ha)

(Yup...totally dripped the black into the other's fine...she's only two.)

One thing I read AFTER I made this one, was that the polish shrinks a lot after it dries. That's why you can see the bottom of the containers in this one. 

I bought a pack of brushes from the dollar store, and have a sweet little plastic hair dryer and such for Lucy. Hello quiet time when I want to shower!

So TA DA! My first DIY Friday. Play makeup. Awesome. You're welcome.

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