Thursday, February 2, 2012

Want it Wednesday: Office Edition

We recently moved Lucy into her "big girl bed" in her "big girl room". Which ment after a lot of painting, and reorganizing, I finally got my very own office/craft room!

I really love my new office, but there is so much more I want to do. Like have a wall filled with my obsessive clipboard collection. Isn't that just the greatest? I'm working on that now.

Speaking of clipboards I'd love one of these sweet awesome dry erase clip boards.

Or this amazing vintage clipboard. Seriously...someone buy me this.

I would also love to replace the old kitchen table I now use as a desk with this beautiful piece of art.

I desperately need this. I would type up all my meeting notes on this, and staple them together, and send them to people in the mail in these awesome pink envelopes.

I need to do this with all the random remnants of beautiful fabric I buy and have nothing to make with it.

I would LOVE this. But $300?! Ouch. So I made a duct tape mannequin using Jacob's body, and added some boobs later. TA DA!

I'm not sure how it got that little hip pop...but I think it mades it sassy.

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