Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Want it Wednesday. Fashion Edition

Yes, I know. I missed "What's for dinner Monday". I even actually made dinner. Tacos! But this is what my Monday looked like:

4:30pm - Jeff home
5:00pm - Make Dinner
5:30pm - Leave to run some errands
6:30pm - Meeting for Teen Camp
9:00pm - Home...thinking about writing a blog post.
10:00pm - Text from the conVERGE team, needing coffee.
11:00pm - Show up at conVERGE meeting. Laugh and drink coffee until 1:30 a.m.

Don't ever get out of pajamas.

So...that's why I just skipped it.
But have no fear!
Want it Wednesday is HERE!

What I want most right now, is my blonde hair back. I've never not liked a dye job so much. (And I've gone Blue Black before) It was ok at first, but has been washing out terribly. So today I tried Color Oops. It was on sale for $9 at Meijer, and I figured...what the hey. Here's the results:

What? You don't see a difference? Yeah. That's sad. It wasn't too drastic, but a little better. I got rid of the way to dark red streak in the front. And there is some color difference.

I can see my blonde highlights coming through! I think I'll try and let the rest of it wash out naturally. But I did buy a box of blonde dye, in case I got bored one evening.

I wouldn't call my self "fashionable" but I do have a fashion. It mostly consists of jeans and cardigans and scarves to hide my cleavage. Here are a few new things I would love to add to my wardrobe:

Yes. I have posted about this sweatshirt before. I want it so bad, but for a girl who won't spend more than $20 on any piece of clothing, a $42 sweatshirt seems a bit far fetched. But I love it so much.

Can a girl HAVE to many jeans? I love these. I would also love for my legs to look that long and skinny someday. Maybe if I wore high heels instead of these beautiful things:

I love that color. I love my Toms. But, maybe I need something new...

Why yes! Those are twitter shoes! Who doesn't love a good pair of Keds to show your love of social networks? I wish the google ones where cuter, because I really would wear those everyday.
 I love google. 

That's all I've got. I need to learn how to make those sweet outfit collages you see all over pinterest. I probably need photo shop or some sort of skill.

P.S. Some one please come see THIS with me.

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