Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day 13: Something I'm Proud Of

Can it be someone?
Can it be someone(s)?

Because I'm real proud of these two.

Uncle Brent is doing big things with his life. He's the kind of person I can see being impactful anywhere he goes. I know he is doing great things where he is, but I know that it's not because of where he is, or who he works with, it's because of who he is. (And who HE is, if ya know what I mean)

And Lucy? Well, even in her dark moments, I'm proud of her. I'm proud that she can say her ABC's and count to 12, and count to 5 in Spanish. I'm proud that she plays a full drumset like a pro, that she makes up her own songs and stories, and that she laughs all the time at anything. Including me, screeching at her to sit on the naughty spot.

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