Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 3: Something I never leave the house without.

Untrue, I leave the house ALL the time without her. (I don't leave her alone...quit freaking out). My favorite thing to do is "run out to get milk" and take the long way there and back so I can listen to the radio ridiculously loud and talk to myself.

I tried to think of something else. Last year I talked about my phone. Which is just as true this year. More true probably since I got an iPhone for Christmas last year. I love that thing. How'd we ever wait in lines before smart phones?

All the things I use the most. Social Media, Music, Google, Mapquest and the Bible.  Haha. 

The only other thing I could think of that I honestly never leave the house without is my bra and a bit of mascara.

I don't think I'll add a picture of that.

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