Wednesday, November 2, 2011

30 Days Hath November

I found this great series on a blog I read called So Fawned. Everyday I think about blogging, but it's hard to decide what's worth a whole blog. But I thought this might be great way to practice blogging everyday.
Here's the List:

Day 01: A self-portrait.
Day 02: Three inspirational quotes.
Day 03: Something I never leave the house without.
Day 04: A friend I adore.
Day 05: Three years ago today.
Day 06: A book I'm reading.
Day 07: A song for the day.
Day 08: The last item I purchased.
Day 09: A close-up of my day.
Day 10: What I love about my job.
Day 11: Something I’ve been craving.
Day 12: Three blogs I can’t get enough of.
Day 13: Something I'm proud of.
Day 14: A favorite movie.
Day 15: Some style inspiration for the season.
Day 16: Someone who inspires me.
Day 17: My family.
Day 18: What I wore today.
Day 19: A silly self-portrait.
Day 20: A childhood anecdote.
Day 21: Something I could never tire of.
Day 22: Some place I’ve traveled.
Day 23: Eight things you didn't know about me.
Day 24: Something that means a lot to me.
Day 25: The contents of my purse.
Day 26: Something I'm looking forward to.
Day 27: Myself, one year ago.
Day 28: A skill I'd like to learn.
Day 29: Some place I'd like to visit.
Day 30: Three wonderful things that happened this month.

It's already November 2nd, so I'll have some catching up to do. I'll just lump day one and two together. It's fine. I make my own rules. Watch for a post later tonight. Right now I should probably address my two year old who stole Whoppers from her halloween basket and his hiding under the table giggling and covered in chocolate.

You should really check out So Fawned. It's a fascinating blog from a canadian doula who owns 7 chickens. (I wonder how she feels about being described that way....)

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