Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day Thirty: 3 wonderful things that happened this month.

#1. Uncle Brent comes to visit

My baby brother got to come visit for Thanksgiving. And Lucy loves him. As a parent, you are always afraid how your kid will react to someone. I still remember the crazy month or so when Stella was scared of Joe who has been on of her favorite people since she was tiny:

And while I'm sure it broke Joe's heart, I remember Carrie feeling terrible that she couldn't make Stella love him. I was worried about this when Brent came. He'd been gone for a while, but the moment she saw him, she fell in love with him all over again (this happens a lot with Brent and women.) She pulled him around, shared her cookie bears, and taught him all about Strawberry Shortcake. It was a wonderful time. Christmas won't be the same without him, but we'll manage.

#2 Family "Tea" Party
Some of my most favorite moments in life are the unplanned ones. And even better if they include chocolate. We decorated for Christmas earlier than normal this year, and in the midst of it, we stopped and had a family "tea" party with hot chocolate and cookies. Lucy loved it. And it was a wonderful little family bonding moment. Although I mostly took pictures. Ha.

#3 KP Thanksgiving

I wish I had a picture for this. I went out the Sunday after Thanksgiving to help with a dinner Carrie was cooking for the neighborhood. I'll come to anything Carrie cooks at, but I was excited to be able to get to know the neighborhood more. I loved it. The dinner was fantastic, but my favorite was all the in betweens. Sitting and chatting with Carrie, drinking coffee and eating pie while David works, laughing with Stella, watching Devin try to play basketball in the little entry way. It was wonderful. And then we went to a late night movie. The Help. I cried like a fool. It was a fantastic day.

And so concludes my 30 days hath November blogging expedition. It was fun to (sometimes) blog everyday. It made me think, and take pictures, and share my life with my friends and strangers. I loved it. Now what to do for December? I've got some ideas up my sleeve! Stay tuned!

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