Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day Fifteen: Some style inspiration for the season.

I was really hoping it would be freezing and snowing by now, so I could just post a picture of Lucy and I bundled up in the snow. But alas, it's 60 degrees today! All this warm weather will only make me appreciate the snow better. I really love it...but I digress...

Here's my "style". Which can't really be called a style. I'm a big fan of jeans and Toms, and scarfs to cover my cleavage and double chin. I actually own these jeans, and a similar scarf, and similar Toms, but THIS SWEATSHIRT!? I NEED IT! It's my favorite book and my favorite thing to wear?!?! Yes PLEASE!

Yes! 1/2 Way mark for my 30 Days Hath November project. Coming up: Someone who inspires me (I'm going to try not to talk about Carrie...again...) My Family, and "What I wore today", which should be good, since most days I barely shower.

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