Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day Thirteen: Something I'm proud of.

The idea of making and selling something at a craft bazaar seems like a great way to make some extra cash and exercise your creative side. Until you realize you've sunk way to much money into something you have no idea if people will like. This was the first year I did it by myself. I usually craft with Carrie, who is my creative side. I came to terms with the dominance of my left brain long ago, and am usually the hands and feet to the creative brain. So this year, I felt a little terrified that I would suck at this. (For lack of a better phrase). But I DIDN'T!

I mostly made "infinity scarves". Which I love, because I'm terrible at tying a scarf, but I really love wearing them to hide my double chin. So I figured, if they didn't sell...I would just have a whole new scarf wardrobe! But they DID sell. Not a ton, mind you, but it was a small bazaar, in the middle of Dowagiac, so I didn't expect much. But people LIKED them! They thought they where GOOD. And 3 people even BOUGHT ONE. And I made little nativity scenes and tutus. Random? Yes. But people liked it! My mom made the sweet wreaths you see in the picture, and my sister made knitted coffee cozies. We had a great family day. Even my dad came.

My Dad is hilarious by the way. I laughed all day, and ate too many baked goods. And bought sweet old pins shaped like guns. Great day.

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