Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day Twenty Three: 8 things you didn't know about me.

1. I secretly love the Harry Potter movies.

2. I once thought I could be a musician and played at a coffee house. I was terrible.
3. I was once in a band with Rachel Smith and Pat Quigley (who is now super cool and in real bands) for like, a week, until Pat quit because we sucked. (We did. Well...I did...and I played guitar...which is really important not to suck)

4. I was in FFA. Google it.

5. I'm super fascinated by polygamy. (How do those women not just kill each other all the time?! And if love is supposed to be "multiplied, not divided" why can't it go the other way? Why can't a women have multiple husbands?)

6. I would totally consider being a surrogate mother, if the circumstances where right.

7. I would rather talk to people via "chat" or texting, because I like to look at what I'm going to say, before I say it.

8. I hardly ever shave below my knees after the summer.

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