Monday, November 7, 2011

Day Seven: A song for the day

I tried to think of a really cool song that would demonstrate my great taste in good music but, I chose a cheesy Christmas song instead.

I've been thinking about how 3 years ago today(ish) I went to the hospital to see sweet Stella Sugar Bee for the first time. She was so tiny, and hooked up to a thousand machines, and made sounds like a raccoon. I said she looked like an alien and Carrie was highly offended. I'll never forget watching Carrie walk over to this tiny fragile creature, pick her up like it was the most natural thing in the world, and proceed to rock and sing this song to her. (I think it was at that moment that I knew two things: Stella had to be theirs forever, and giving birth did not make you a mom). She said she sang it to her a lot those first few days, because she had been listening to Christmas music, and it was the first song that came to mind. This song will always remind me of that...and of the scene in Elf where Zoey Deschanel and Will Ferrel sing in the bathroom. Because come on, that is fantastic.

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