Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day Twenty Two: Someplace I've traveled.

I'm not a traveler. Airplanes make me nervous. I'm very picky about my hotel. And...I'm poor. So traveling for me, now means a trip to Fort Wayne for 3DYC with Carrie. And I'm ok with that, until I remember Hawaii....

These pictures remind me of 3 things.
1. How much I was/am/will always be in love with Hawaii. (Even though I don't swim, surf, or snorkel).
2. I used to be thinner. And I'd really like to be that way again. (That second picture? I climbed freaking Diamond Head! Ok ok, so it was mostly stairs...but I DID IT!)
3. I really liked my high school friends. Especially Adam...who bought me stuff...(hence the last picture with his sad empty wallet)

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